
Why "I lift weights"

Why "I lift weights"

With the exception of sport-specific training, the majority of people exercise for a couple reasons: a) to feel better (whether that’s mental or physical),  b) to look better, or c) both. 

So what will it be? Look better? Feel better? 

How about both? 

Whole 30 Week 3 Thoughts

Whole 30 Week 3 Thoughts

My food consumption is more aligned with my health and physique goals than it has been in quite a while, and let me tell you -- identifying and eliminating cognitive dissonance is a huge weight off the shoulders. It feels damn good to know I am taking care of my house.

Whole 30 Week One Recap

Whole 30 Week One Recap

The physical part of this hasn’t been bad at all so far. I’m accustomed to far more restriction in energy intake. The social part has been the hardest - I can’t freely go to restaurants or make my fave meals with my loved ones. The mental part has been the most noticeable and coolest part so far, in my opinion. I am getting better at understanding the connection between cravings and processed food.