
I decided to work with Meghan after a recent knee surgery to get some help adjusting my training and more specifically my nutrition to help me reach my goals. Before going into this I thought I knew some stuff. I’m not a complete rookie as I go to the gym regularly and thought I was eating pretty well. Boy was my mind opened when she gave me some feedback and the best part is that she was spot on. I loved learning what she had to share because I honestly felt that she cared about my results. She is very upfront and honest while keeping a positive attitude which is important. A lot of the things I had to change I wasn’t necessarily happy about but I knew if I trusted her and the process I would get where I wanted to go. Committing to a different lifestyle and being consistent is super hard sometimes but it makes it a lot easier with the tools and advice she provides. I have recommended her to friends and I plan to have her train me again in the future because as she is always learning and growing I plan to as well.