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If you are looking for someone who is going to ignite your fire, then look no further.

Hello! My name is Carlaine and I am (or should I say was) the dejected girl you see in the first photo. At the time I would never have admitted it, but I was hurting. I was filled with insecurity and was constantly at war with myself. I didn’t feel beautiful and when it came to addressing my issue of self-image, I had no idea where to even begin. I was lost! However, this all changed when I met Meghan. 

Meghan is extremely devoted to building a life of health and feeling as good as your body was designed to feel.  She is extremely knowledgeable in the realm of nutrition and weight training and is always eager to share the latest thing she has learned with anyone who is curious. Ask her any question involving physiology, anatomy, nutrition, strength and conditioning, and watch her eyes light up as information oozes out of her head. To say these things are of interest to her would be an understatement. Meghan has a white hot passion for bettering her self and the lives of others through weight training and diet. She uses her keen understanding of the human body and it’s adaptations to training to help people like me reach their goals. 

Meghan has taught me a lot about health, but more importantly she taught me a how to love myself again.  She believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself, and that is what sets her apart from any other personal trainer I have encountered. She ignited the fire inside of me and I began to see all the wonderful things I was capable of. Her positivity and support empowered me to push forward even when I felt I couldn’t. There was this pivotal moment I encountered with her at the gym one day and I will never forget it. I was about three fourths the way up a climbing rope and could feel my grip slipping. As I began to doubt myself I heard Meghan down on the ground below me yelling, “Don’t you dare give up on yourself, touch that damn ceiling!” 

So, that is exactly what I did. I touched that damn ceiling.