Form & Function 2.0

I had so many people tell me they needed another program after completing F&F!


Just like its predecessor, F&F 2.0 is a blend of nontraditional and traditional strength and mobility movements that reflect my passion for the form - and function - of the human body!

What it entails:

  • 13 weeks of programming, 4-5 days a week, divided into 3 phases.

  • Video demonstration and written cues via Train Heroic.

  • Access to the Form & Function Facebook group for life, so you can connect with and learn from other athletes!

  • Personalized start date that works for YOU.

What you’ll need:

  • To download the Train Heroic App so you can access the platform!

  • Equipment: barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, monster bands, your bodyweight, and occasionally, sliders and medicine balls. There are some modifications that can be made, as well.

What it costs:
